Urgent Issue Alerts
Thursday, March 13, 2025
CeDAR Software Configuration Update
If your facility is subject to 40 CFR 98 your CeDAR software configuration most likely needs to be updated to accommodate the newly published (April 25, 2024) global warming potential (GWP) values for methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) that went into effect as of January 1, 2025. The GWP value is used to convert the above calculated values into the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) values. The following changes have been instituted:
- CO2 remains the same as 1
- CH4 changes from 25 to 28
- N2O changes from 298 to 265
To have these changes made to your system, please contact Brian Rezek at brezek@ciscocems.com.
Friday, Dec 08, 2023
ECMPS 2.0 Update
The EPA has announced the delay in the launch of ECMPS 2.0 and will not be available for the 2024 Q1 reporting period. As of the date of this post, a new release date has yet to be announced. Please take this additional period to prepare for the new software, including updating your breez75x software. Current and previous versions of breez75x will be incompatible with ECMPS 2.0 and will need to be updated with a new version upon the launch of ECMPS 2.0.
Thursday, Dec 07, 2023
Scrubbed Instrument Air Demonstration Method
Many facilities utilize instrument air to span their O2 analyzers. It has recently been brought to the attention of CiSCO that this could bring a CEMS out of compliance if not quality assured properly. Our Environmental Department has thoroughly researched this topic, including reaching out to their contacts in the EPA and to testing specialists. Our Environmental Department has received confirmation from both sources on an acceptable methodology to stay within the parameters of compliance (see links below).
Thursday, June 22, 2023
EPA is Reengineering the ECMPS Software
EPA is reengineering the ECMPS software. A portion of the reengineering efforts is to change the format of the data reported from XML to JSON. That format change will require a new version of breez75x to be able to report quarterly EDR’s. EPA is currently scheduled to release the ECMPS2.0 software for the 2024 Q1 data reporting period in April 2024. Because the current version of breez75x will need to be used to report the 2023 Q4 data in January, the new version of breez75x will be available in February 2024. The JSON format requires SQL Server 2016 (or higher), so a new SQL license may also be required as a part of this upgrade. Without the new version of breez75x- you won’t be able to submit your quarterly EDR’s once the reengineering efforts are complete.
More information on the ECMPS reengineering effort can be found here. Contact CiSCO for breez75x pricing and questions about upgrades here.
Monday, February 28, 2022
Calibration Drift Tests
In accordance with 40 CFR 60 Appendix F, Procedure 1, Section 4.3.1, a calibration drift (CD) failure in excess of four times the performance specification invalidates data backwards to the most recently passed CD. Any QA tests that were performed during the invalidated period are also invalidated. CiSCO encourages facilities to perform an additional CD immediately following CGA and RATA tests. In the unlikely event that the additional CD fails in excess of four times the performance specification, the facility will have the opportunity to immediately correct the CD failure and perform the invalidated test(s) again. This is preferable to discovering at a later date that a subsequent CD failure invalidated the QA tests.